Why Child Safeguarding?
To protect children and young people from abuse, exploitation, neglect
and violence so that they grow up in safe environment.

Thousands of children are reported every year victim of various abuse and violence such as physical, verbal, physical, corporal, discrimination, denied of education and missing, murder. In a study undertaken in Nepal in 2015among 962 students, 88.88% had experience at least one form of abuse.Psychological abuse was the most prevalent form of abuse (76.15% over lifetime) followed by physical abuse, exposure to violence, neglect and sexual abuse. Adults were the most common perpetrators of child abuse. (UNICEF 2018)
Close to half of all adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 (around 126 million) believe a husband is justified in hitting his wife under certain circumstances. Data from 30 countries suggest that about seven in 10 girls 15-19 years old who had been victims of physical and/or sexual abuse had never sought help: many said they did not think it was abuse or did not see it as a problem.
Violence against children is occurring each day. It is not inevitable but yes, it is preventable.
How do we tackle these issues?
We have a zero-tolerance approach to child exploitation and abuse. We are committed towards building a child safe organization and promoting safety of children, preventing child abuse and ensuring effective reporting procedures in the communities where we work. We ensure child safety in the delivery and management of our programs and activities and ensure that their rights are respected, protected and fulfilled. We raise awareness on child safeguarding by providing training to the community stakeholders and work in close collaboration with them to set up the reporting processes in place.