Why Water?
Clean water can change the life of people in many different ways.

73% people in Nepal do not have access
to safely managed water
People living in remote communities of Nepal walk hours to collect water for their family. Women and girls are the primary collectors, transporters, and managers of household water supply. They spend hours each day fetching water, which is often of poor quality and carries diseases that can make everyone sick. For children under five, water and sanitation-related diseases are one of the leading causes of death. Also, the time spent to collect water keeps girls out of school and parents from better employment opportunities to provide for their families.
We focus on bringing clean water, dignified sanitation and effective hygiene practices to communities, schools and healthcare facilities. Having access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene can improve health, enable access to education, empower women, increase family income and can contribute to economic development in the community and changing lives.
How do we tackle the water issues?
We collaborate with the local community, combining their knowledge with our expertise to find the best sustainable solution to benefit the most people. Looking at the geographical conditions, we decide with the community members whether to build a gravity water supply system, a piped system, or a BioSand Filter.
For every water project we fund, we establish a local Water Committee and provide technical training to manage the water system to help keep water flowing for years to come.
Access to clean water changed the lives of Geeta sherpa in many ways. Read her story
"With the new water system, life has become much more easier. I no longer have to carry the water. No physical pain. This has saved so much of my time to do other works."